Shameless gay sex scene porn

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But while he's working in that bodega, Ian also happens to be getting it on with the shop's married owner, Kash Karib, in the freezer and between aisles. Obviously.īefore Ian Gallagher had his military stint, worked in and out of gay clubs, and took a road trip with his boyfriend's baby, he was just a high school kid working in the local bodega. To put things into perspective, the scene in which an abusive father forcing his gay son to impregnate a Russian prostitute didn't make the cut.

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Bad decisions occur in droves, and you're left cringing more often than not, as nearly every character seems to be prone to ruining any decent relationship that comes their way.Īs Shameless marches toward the end of its sixth season, here's a look back at the 10 sex scenes that probably left you feeling the most uneasy (and maybe a little turned on). If you're not watching Showtime's Shameless, you're missing out on some of the best, worst, and most awkward sex scenes anywhere on TV.

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